Sending a message

Sending a message

Sending a call message requires your Smart Contract to call the pre-deployed xCall Smart Contract's sendCallMessage method.

More detailed explanation can be found here (opens in a new tab). Rollback is covered in the Explanations section.


 * Sends a call message to the contract on the destination chain.
 * @param _to The BTP address of the callee on the destination chain
 * @param _data The calldata specific to the target contract
 * @param _rollback (Optional) The data for restoring the caller state when an error occurred
 * @return The serial number of the request
BigInteger sendCallMessage(String _to, byte[] _data, @Optional byte[] _rollback);

Which is part of (opens in a new tab) interface.


   @notice Sends a call message to the contract on the destination chain.
   @param _to The BTP address of the callee on the destination chain
   @param _data The calldata specific to the target contract
   @param _rollback (Optional) The data for restoring the caller state when an error occurred
   @return The serial number of the request
function sendCallMessage(
    string memory _to,
    bytes memory _data,
    bytes memory _rollback
) external payable returns (

Which is part of ICallService.sol (opens in a new tab) interface.


The following is a simple example of a Java contract being used as a proxy contract for the xCall contract in the Berlin testnet.

package app;
import foundation.icon.score.client.ScoreClient;
import score.Address;
import score.Context;
import score.annotation.External;
import score.annotation.Payable;
public class  Example {
    private BigInteger _sendCallMessage(String _to, byte[] _data, byte[] _rollback) {
        // address of xcall contract on berlin
        Address xcallSourceAddress = "cxf4958b242a264fc11d7d8d95f79035e35b21c1bb";
        return, Context.getValue(), xcallSourceAddress, "sendCallMessage", _to, _data, _rollback);
    public void sendMessage(String _to, byte[] _data, byte[] _rollback) {
        BigInteger id = _sendCallMessage(_to, _data, _rollback);
        Context.println("sendCallMessage Response:" + id);

In this example, any EOA can call the sendMessage method of the Example contract, this contract internally invokes the sendCallMessage method of the xCall contract.

The following Javascript sample showcase how to call the sendMessage method of the previous contract deployed on the Berlin testnet.

const IconService = require("icon-sdk-js");
const {
} = IconService.default;
const { CallTransactionBuilder, CallBuilder } = IconBuilder;
// RPC node for the ICON network
const ICON_RPC_URL = "";
// Network NID
const NID = "0x7";
// Private key for the wallet
const PK_BERLIN = "0x0123...";
// xCall contract address on origin chain. In this example the origin is Berlin
const XCALL_ORIGIN = "cxf4958b242a264fc11d7d8d95f79035e35b21c1bb";
// contract address of the dapp on origin chain
const CONTRACT_ORIGIN = "cx123..";
// network label of the destination chain. In this example the destination is Sepolia
const NETWORK_LABEL_DESTINATION = "0xaa36a7.eth2";
// address of the dapp contract on the destination chain
const CONTRACT_DESTINATION = "0x123...";
const HTTP_PROVIDER = new HttpProvider(ICON_RPC_URL);
const ICON_SERVICE = new IconService.default(HTTP_PROVIDER);
const ICON_WALLET = IconWallet.loadPrivateKey(PK_BERLIN);
 * sendMessage - calls the dapp contract method
 * @param {string} _to - btp address of the recipient
 * @param {string} _data - the data to send
 * @param {boolean} useRollback - whether to use rollback
 * @returns {object} - the transaction receipt
 * @throws {Error} - if there is an error calling the dapp contract method
async function sendMessage(_to, _data) {
  try {
    const fee = await getFee();
    const params = {
      _to: _to,
      _data: _data
    const txObj = new CallTransactionBuilder()
      .timestamp(new Date().getTime() * 1000)
    const signedTx = new SignedTransaction(txObj, ICON_WALLET);
    return await ICON_SERVICE.sendTransaction(signedTx).execute();
  } catch (e) {
    throw new Error("Error calling contract method");
 * getFee - calls the getFee method of the xcall contract
 * @param {boolean} useRollback - whether to use rollback
 * @returns {object} - the transaction receipt
 * @throws {Error} - if there is an error getting the fee
async function getFee(useRollback = false) {
  try {
    const params = {
      _rollback: useRollback ? "0x1" : "0x0"
    const txObj = new CallBuilder()
    return await;
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("error getting fee", e);
    throw new Error("Error getting fee");
 * strToHex - converts a string to hex
 * @param {string} str - the string to convert
 * @returns {string} - the hex string
 * @throws {Error} - if there is an error converting the string
function strToHex(str) {
  let hex = "";
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    hex += "" + str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
  return hex;
async function main() {
  const _data = strToHex("Hello World");
  const receipt = await sendMessage(_to, _data);